Steven He
Steven He is a Chinese-Irish actor and comedy sketch creator best known for his sketches about growing up in Asia and his “Emotional Damage” meme. As one of the most viewed comedy channels, Steven currently generates 150M views per month with 27M followers across social media.
Community Track
For the Culture, Through the Content
Location: Discover Stage
Friday, June 28
11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Featuring: Monica Mamudo, Michelle Chubb, Che Jim and more
Community Track
Crown the Creators: Guess Who Anime Edition
Location: Festival Stage Sponsored by Disney's Descendants: The Rise of Red
Saturday, June 29
10:00 am - 10:40 am
Featuring: CHEFPK, Steven He, Danny Motta and more
Creator Track
Endless Inspiration: How to Build a Pipeline of Content Ideas
Location: Room 210
Saturday, June 29
11:15 am - 12:00 pm
Featuring: Tubby Nugget, Claw Quest, Steven He and more