Chrissy Marshall
Chrissy Marshall shares authentic pieces of her life as a deaf person online and is a tenacious advocate for the disability community, actively promoting accessibility and sharing signed languages. As a deaf and disabled writer, director, and creative she has an unwavering commitment to community, innovation, and equitable portrayal of diverse experiences.
Community Track
From Pixels to Progress: Social Media & Accessibility Advocacy
Location: Amplify Stage
Friday, June 28
10:30 am - 11:30 am
Featuring: Zach and Pat Valentine (Valentine Brothers), Raven Sutton, Chrissy Marshall and more
Community Track
Likes, Shares, Action! Empowering Change Through Digital Activism
Location: Trending Stage
Friday, June 28
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Featuring: Nimay Ndolo, Chrissy Marshall, Fernanda Cortes and more