Hew Moran
Hew Moran is a renowned YouTuber and streamer best known for his comedic Fortnite Kid character. He has built a strong following through his gaming streams, content, and collaborations with other creators.
In 2024, Hew experienced explosive growth, adding over 600K new subscribers to his YouTube channel and now consistently averages nearly 50 million monthly views. His lifetime viewership surpasses 1.8 billion. He also has a rapidly growing fan base on TikTok, boasting over 740K followers.
Hew’s popular Game Family series has become a staple in the Fortnite community, with viral shorts like Fortnite Kids Be Like... and Annoying Hew's Mom becoming iconic pieces of his content. His unique blend of comedy and gaming has made him a standout creator, drawing in fans from across the gaming and entertainment landscape.